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New study proves effectiveness of homeopathy  

In frustration with conventional therapies, many women have been turning to complementary or alternative medicine for help with PMS and menopausal symptoms. However, due to the lack of unbiased clinical studies, many of those women have found themselves at odds with their conventional doctor on the effectiveness and safety of such therapies. These women now have some concrete data to support their use of alternative medical approaches.

In late Fall of 2005, the findings of a clinical study were released, comparing the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies to conventional medical therapies for common women's complaints. The study was conducted by Dr. Valérie Reus and Dr. Michael Weiser of Germany and results were reported in the medical journal, Biologische Medizin (Volume 28). This study was conducted in several European countries and involved documentation by 41 physicians and some 345 cases.  It compared results of various therapies for treating complaints like: hot flashes, profuse sweating, sleeping problems, nervousness, irritability, depression, mood swings, vertigo, inability to concentrate, joint pain, headaches, and heart palpitations. The study also monitored the impact on blood plasma levels of 17-β estradiol (a form of estrogen that is naturally produced by a healthy female body). Group B was given homeopathic and homotoxicology remedies for their complaints while Group P was treated with conventional drug therapies like HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and antidepressant drugs. 

The women were evaluated and given standardized questionnaires prior to beginning the program and again at 6 weeks and 12 weeks of therapy. The study found that at 6 weeks, both groups had significant reduction of PMS and menopausal symptoms. However, the homeopathic Group B participants reported none of the typical side effects of conventional drug treatments such as increased depression and a further decrease in sex drive. At 12 weeks, the number of symptoms and side-effects were significantly lower with the Homeopathic Group B with the majority of women symptom free. The most dramatic difference was the number of women still using the therapies and reports of depression. The drug Group P had increases in complaints of depression and a need for more antidepressant medications which resulted in their discontinuing HRT therapy. The rate of depression in the homeopathic Group B was rare and there was a slight increase in libido with the majority of women.  

Over all the study proved that PMS and Menopausal complaints could be treated with homeopathic protocols more effectively and safely than conventional drug and HRT protocols with none of their typical side effects.  





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